Improving the lives of the people of Kamuli



giving the people of kamuli the benefit of medicine

Our mission is to better the lives of the local people within the Kamuli community. Medical care within the area is almost non existent, with many of those with serious injuries having to wait for a visiting consultant surgeon to arrive to undertake more major operations. Some of the most serious surgical treatments are for children, suffering from hideous burns to major, life changing injuries from motorbike and car accidents.



kamuli friends aims for 2024/25

Our aims for the next 2 years are ambitious, attempting to undertake both another major building project, as well as answering the dire need for a dental service for the community.

The building project is key to the long term survival of the hospital. The hospital in previous years has struggled to attract any doctors to work in the area, and medical elective students in the past have been prevented from choosing Kamuli as their destination. Whilst our other refurbishment programmes have gone along way to change this, our aim now is to replace the existing doctor’s accommodation. This will make the hospital highly attractive to potential future staff and will ensure the longevity of the changes we have initiated. We have to date, raised an astonishing £80,000 towards the £200,000 cost of the project. With your help, we can make this stable future a reality.

For Kamuli residents, not only is the nearest dentist is 70km away, but the majority of patients wouldn’t be able to afford the service if they could make the travel. We estimate that more than 80% of the Kamuli population are unaware that dentistry even exists. We aim to start a local dentist service to treat some of the more severe cases that are often left untreated for years, sometimes ever.

Our Last Visit

Kamuli January 2023

Our last visit included running and funding an orthopaedic camp for local residents. Please see the video below to understand how we bring change.


“Every penny makes a difference.”

dr philip unwin | founder

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Impact So Far

Kamuli Friends has achieved a lot over the last few years, with both the support of our generous donors, along with a huge input from The Mosawi Foundation. We have built staff accommodation for nurses and their families, comprising 10 new homes, as well as a smart new guesthouse for visiting medical professionals. By improving the standards of living accommodation for staff, the living and working environment will be significantly improved and will help the hospital attract and retain essential staff.

Old Medical Building Kamuli Friends

old medical ward

Kamuli Friends Rebuild Surgical Ward

New medical ward

The project to refurbish the Maternity and Surgical Wards, in conjunction with The Rotary Club, has recently been finished, providing a safe and clinical environment for those in labour to give birth with privacy and dignity.

New Maternity Block Kamuli Friends

Throughout 2023, we have been working hard on developing a new emergency room for the hospital. Having persuaded the hospital management to convert two of the outpatient rooms, we have now built an emergency department that is now accessible from the outside. That means a car can be driven all the way into the emergency treatment room and deliver the patient directly for treatment. This is quite a small project for us, but will prove incredibly valuable and useful for the hospital.


The new nursery building was started last year and is now working well with about 20 children currently being cared for by the lovely Favour. It really has been a triumph, and everyone is very happy with the result.

On our recent visit, certain changes had to be addressed and we are now building Favour a small house next to the nursery and a new security wall around the whole Mosawi house/nursery complex. We also are providing a basic Toyota van for transporting the children. We are aiming to attract as many outside children as possible to help pay for the running costs.

Yet there is so much more to do. Our aims for 2025 include the new doctors accommodation block and further refurbishments. In addition to these major projects, money raised also provides vital medical equipment and supplies that help the hospital deal with emergency after emergency. If you can help, please just visit our donate page - every penny makes a difference.


Ready to help?


